What is FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon)?
Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked and popular questions.
Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) is a program that involves Amazon receiving, storing, and processing goods before shipping them to the Amazon platform. Rokfel prep center (preparation center) provides the option to prepare goods before shipping them to the Amazon platform.
What is FBM (Fulfilled by Merchant)?
Fulfilled by Merchant (FBM) is a service for sellers who wish to sell their products from their own warehouse. Rokfel prep center provides the option to prepare goods before selling them through the FBM system.
How long does it take to process orders for FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon)?
The processing time for orders at Rokfel prep center may vary from 0 to 3 days, depending on the volume.
How long does it take to process orders for FBM (Fulfilled by Merchant)?
If an FBM order is received before 11:00 AM US time, it will be processed and handed over to the postal service on the same day. If the order is received after this time, it will be processed and handed over on the next business day.
Can you provide the service of shipping my FBM orders without my involvement?
Certainly! You will need to provide us with limited access to your Amazon account through User Permissions so that we can process FBM shipments and keep records on your behalf. You will not need to take any other actions except providing such access.
Is there an additional fee for boxes, consumables, and packaging materials?
Yes, the cost depends on the size and type of packaging. Most often, we use the original boxes in which the goods were received, and in such cases, no additional fee is charged.
Which postal services does Rokfel prep center collaborate with?
We collaborate with authorized Amazon postal services USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL.
How often is the shipment pickup process performed?
Representatives of USPS and UPS visit the Rokfel warehouse daily, and representatives of FedEx and DHL are available on demand.
Can you accept orders containing glass or ceramic items?
Rokfel prep center accepts orders containing glass or ceramic items. Please inform us of the category of your product before sending it to our preparation center. We have all the necessary packaging that meets Amazon's requirements for such shipments.
Do you assemble product sets and what is the cost of their processing?
The price for processing product sets starts at $1.20. Specific packaging and processing requirements may incur additional expenses for packaging materials, which will be charged separately.
What is the price for storage of goods?
For Rockfel customers, the first 10 days of goods storage are free! Our standard rates, as indicated in the price list, apply for further storage.
How are returns processed?
Basic processing includes receiving returns at the Rockfel warehouse and visual inspection. Upon your request, we can also conduct a detailed inspection according to your requirements.
Do you have a practice of purchasing goods from distributors?
Rokfel is open to collaborating with various distributors in the USA and is ready to make wholesale purchases according to their terms and offers.
Do you issue invoices that can be used on Amazon?
Rokfel does not issue invoices that can be used on Amazon.
Do you accept data from Google Sheets?
We support working with Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, Adobe PDF, Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive, and other programs.
What online marketplaces does Rokfel interact with?
Our retraining center collaborates with Amazon.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept various payment methods, such as Payoneer, PayPal, WISE, MoneyGram, Zelle, bank transfers, credit and debit cards. If you have preferences regarding payment methods, please contact us to discuss possible options.
What is your address and where should I send the goods?
We are located in Los Angeles, California, near five Amazon fulfillment centers. After registration, you will be provided with a unique customer number that will be used for all your future shipments.
How can I contact Rokfel?
We offer several communication options, including Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, Messages, Email, and phone call.
Our Contacts
We want to hear from you!
If you have questions, comments, suggestions or just want to get in touch with us, use one of the following methods:
+ 1 818 612 40 79
Our Contacts
We want to hear from you!
If you have questions, comments, suggestions or just want to get in touch with us, use one of the following methods:
+ 1 818 612 40 79