How to Open Multiple Seller Accounts on Amazon: A Guide for Entrepreneurs

How to open multiple seller accounts on Amazon: A guide for entrepreneurs

Running a business on Amazon provides unique opportunities for growth and development. One of the common questions that entrepreneurs have is the ability to open multiple seller accounts on this platform. In this article, we'll look at how to legally create and manage multiple seller accounts on Amazon.
Business on Amazon

Why might you need multiple seller accounts?

1. Brand separation: If you have several brands, each of which requires separate management.

2. Different product categories: For easy management of products from different categories.

3. Different Geographic Markets: To better serve customers in different countries or regions.

Amazon Multiple Seller Account Policy

Amazon strictly regulates the creation and use of multiple seller accounts. According to Amazon rules, a seller can only have one account unless there is a compelling reason to open a second one. Violation of this policy may result in the suspension of all associated accounts.

How to get permission to create multiple seller accounts

In order to open a second seller account on Amazon, you must obtain permission from the platform itself. Here are the steps to take:

1. Prepare an explanation of the reason: When you contact Amazon, you must clearly explain the reason why you need a second account. This may be the need to separate brands or products into categories.

2. Contact Amazon Seller Support: Go to the "Help" section of your seller account and create a support request explaining your situation and the need for a second account.

3. Wait for a response: Amazon will review your request and may request additional information. Expect an official response, which may take several days.

Important recommendations when using multiple accounts

1. Separate your data: Use different emails, bank accounts, and devices for each account.

2. Do not violate Amazon's policies: Carefully review and follow all terms and conditions set forth by Amazon.

3. Monitoring and reporting: Maintain thorough records of all activitiesradios and ensure that all transactions and interactions comply with the platform rules.

Frequently asked questions

1. Can I use the same bank account for multiple merchant accounts?

No, each account must have its own unique bank account.

2. What happens if I create a second account without Amazon's permission?

Your accounts may be blocked and you will lose access to the trading platform.

3. How long does it take to process a request to create a second account?

Request processing time may vary, but usually takes several days.

Opening multiple seller accounts on Amazon is a process that requires careful approach and compliance with all platform rules. Proper organization and management of accounts will help you succeed in e-commerce.


Opening multiple Amazon seller accounts can make business management much easier if that's what your business needs. By following the guidelines above and abiding by Amazon's policies, you can effectively manage multiple accounts and grow your business.

If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact Amazon Seller Support for assistance. This will help you avoid problems and successfully conduct business on one of the largest trading platforms in the world.

12 August 2024