Customer reviews on Amazon. How to work with them and what do they affect?

Customer reviews on Amazon. How to work with them and what do they influence?

Customer reviews play an important role in e-commerce. They help potential buyers form an opinion about a product or store, and also influence the purchasing decision. Amazon, as one of the largest trading platforms in the world, especially values feedback from its customers.
Business on Amazon

Reviews and feedback on Amazon have different purposes and serve different functions:

Reviews: Reviews are left by customers for a specific product. They are intended for other potential buyers to help them form an opinion about the product before purchasing.

Feedback: Feedback is left by buyers to the store or seller. It is intended directly for the merchant to help him improve his services and interactions with customers.

Both of these elements play an important role in the functioning of the Amazon platform and influence the decisions of buyers.

The meaning of reviews

Reviews of you as an Amazon seller are important for several reasons:

  • 1. Reputation

  • A seller's reviews form his reputation on the platform. Positive reviews can increase the trust of potential buyers, while negative reviews can discourage them.

  • 2. Seller rating

  • Amazon uses seller reviews to calculate its rating. This rating affects the visibility of the seller and his products in search results.

  • 3. Sales

  • Seller reviews can directly influence sales. Buyers who see positive reviews are likely to feel more confident about purchasing products from that seller.

  • 4. Feedback

  • Seller reviews provide valuable feedback that can be used to improve the quality of services and products.

    Therefore, it is important to strive to receive positive reviews and actively work with negative reviews, solving customer problems and improving your products and services.

Amazon product review

Product reviews on Amazon are customer opinions about a specific product. They are intended to help other potential buyers form an opinion about a product before purchasing. Reviews help customers learn more about a product and decide if it's right for them.

Product reviews can be left by logging into your Amazon account and going to the page for the product you want to review and review.comment. Scroll down to the “Customer Reviews” section, and under the “Review this product” heading, click the “Write a product review” button.

It's worth noting, however, that unfortunately many of the reviews on Amazon may not be reliable. Therefore, it is always important to check reviews and use multiple sources of information when making a purchasing decision.

Working with reviews

Positive feedback

Positive reviews are a great way to promote a product or store. They serve as confirmation of the quality of the product and the reliability of the seller. Sellers should thank customers for positive reviews and use them as responsive marketing.

Negative reviews

Negative reviews, although they can negatively impact sales, provide sellers with an opportunity to improve their products or services. It is important to carefully read negative reviews, identify the problems cited by customers, and resolve them if possible. Merchants should contact dissatisfied customers, offer them assistance, and, if possible, offer compensation for the inconvenience.

Is it possible to fake reviews on Amazon?

In theory, it is possible to fake reviews on Amazon, but doing so violates company policy and can lead to serious consequences, including account suspension. Amazon is committed to providing honest and transparent reviews so customers can make informed purchasing decisions.

It's important to note that some sellers may try to artificially increase the number of positive reviews, but Amazon actively combats such practices. In addition, there are special tools and methods that can help you identify fake reviews.

Remember that honest and unbiased reviews are important to maintaining customer trust and satisfaction on the Amazon platform. Therefore, you should always strive to get real feedback from customers.


Customer reviews are a powerful tool for sellers and their products on Amazon. They will help improve products, services and overall customer experience. Proper use of reviews can lead to increased sales and improved store reputation. Remember that every feedback is an opportunity to improve! Always yours, Rokfel Prep Center ❤

15 March 2024