BuyBox what is it and why is it needed?

BuyBox what is it and why is it needed?

Amazon's Buy Box is a special widget located right above the Add to Cart and Buy Now buttons. If your product is displayed in this widget, it will receive the Featured Offer status. This allows customers to add an item to their cart with the click of a button. Using this widget is extremely important because 90% of purchases on Amazon are made through it.
Business on Amazon

Why is BuyBox so important?

The majority of purchases on Amazon are made through the Buy Box. Buyers usually don't care who won the Buy Box, they simply select the "Buy Now" option and make their purchase.

Factors influencing getting into the Bybox

There are several factors that may affect your ability to show your product in the Buy Box on Amazon:

  • 1. Seller rating

  • It increases due to positive reviews.

  • 2. Order processing speed

  • Sending a product quickly increases your chances of being featured in the Buy Box.

  • 3. Quality of images and product descriptions

  • Attractive images and detailed descriptions increase your chances of being featured in the Buy Box.

  • 4. Compliance with Amazon Policies

  • Avoid violations such as selling counterfeits or copyright infringement.

  • 5. Competition

  • If there are many sellers offering the same product, competition for the opportunity to display it in BuyBox becomes fiercer.

    How to “conquer” a Buy Box on Amazon?

    Price your products competitively to attract buyers.

    Use FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) to ensure efficient order fulfillment.

    Make sure you have sufficient stock in stock to avoid delays in shipping orders.

    Ensure fast delivery to meet customers' needs to receive products as quickly as possible.

    It should be remembered that Amazon is constantly improving its algorithms for determining whether a product can be displayed in BuyBox. Check your settings regularly and stay tuned for updates.

    If the BuyBox widget is not available, make sure your product meets Amazon's criteria and check price competitiveness and inventory.


Remember: Amazon may have multiple sellers with the same item competing for a Buy Box. The tips above will help you increase your chances of getting this opportunity and increase your sales. Always yours, Rokfel :)

21 April 2024