Amazon supply chain: what is it and how does it work?

Amazon supply chain: what is it and how does it work?

Rokfel Prep Center will tell you! Amazon is one of the world's largest online retailers, serving millions of customers around the world every day. The core of Amazon's success is their efficient and reliable supply chain. But what is it and how does it work?
Business on Amazon

The Amazon supply chain is a vast and complex network of interconnected parts that work together to deliver products to consumers. From the moment you place your order to the shipping and delivery that delivers it to your door, Amazon's supply chain works around the clock to deliver your purchase as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Despite Amazon's massive investment in growth, small e-commerce businesses can learn and apply Amazon supply chain strategies to improve their business performance.

Amazon's supply chain is a complex and well-oiled system that includes suppliers, warehouses, fulfillment centers and delivery systems.

Amazon is also actively using innovative technologies to optimize its supply chain. For example, the company is widely implementing robotics and automation in its warehouses, which significantly speeds up the processing and packaging of orders. More than 200,000 robots work in Amazon fulfillment centers, interacting with people to improve efficiency.

Amazon provides sellers with two main order processing and fulfillment options: Fulfillmentby Amazon (FBA) and Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) to meet different needs.

How does Amazon's supply chain work?


Amazon works with thousands of suppliers around the world who provide products for sale on the platform. These products range from books and electronics to clothing and food.

Warehouses and order processing centers

After receiving products from suppliers, Amazon stores them in its warehouses and fulfillment centers. Here goods are sorted, packaged and prepared for shipment.

Delivery systems

Amazon uses a variety of shipping methods to get products to customers as quickly as possible. This includes Amazon's own delivery service, as well as partnerships with other delivery services.

Amazon's supply chain has several key advantages:

  • Efficiency: Amazon uses advanced technology and algorithms to optimize their supply chain, allowing them to quickly process orders and deliver products to customers.

  • Wide Assortment of Products: Through collaboration with thousands of suppliers around the world, Amazon is able to offer a huge selection of products to meet the needs of a wide range of customers.

  • Technology: Amazon is aggressively implementing technology, including robots in fulfillment centers, which improves speed and reduces costs.

  • Fast Delivery: Amazon is constantly working to improve its shipping methods to ensure products reach customers as quickly as possible. This includes using Amazon's own delivery service as well as partnering with other delivery services.

  • Reliability: Amazon's supply chain is highly reliable, ensuring operational stability and customer satisfaction.

  • Global presence: Amazon has warehouses and fulfillment centers around the world, allowing them to serve customers in different regions and countries.

  • These advantages make Amazon's supply chain one of the most efficient and successful in the e-commerce world.

Amazon Pricing

Amazon pricing is based on the use of advanced technologies and algorithms. It includes the following key aspects:

Dynamic Pricing: Amazon uses dynamic pricing, which means product prices can change in real time depending on a variety of factors such as supply and demand, time of day, seasonality, and others.

Automatic Pricing: Amazon offers a tool called “Amazon Automate Pricing” that automatically adjusts sellers' product prices to match competitors' prices. This tool allows sellers to automatically change the prices of their products within set limits without manual adjustments.

Competitive Pricing: Amazon uses algorithms to track competitors' prices and automatically adjust its own prices according to a given strategy.

Price discrimination: In some cases, Amazon may use user information (such as the type of device accessed from) to offer different prices to different users.


Amazon's supply chain currently spans multiple countries and continents, providing the company with global infrastructure and support. This extensive mechanism includes manufacturing plants, warehouses, transport networks and logistics partners, covering all stages from production to delivery to the final consumer. This massive supply chain allows Amazon to efficiently manage massive volumes of goods and ensure fast, reliable delivery to customers around the world. This global footprint is key to Amazon's success, allowing the company to maintain its position as a leader in the e-commerce market and continue to expand its business. Prepcetr Rokfel always follows the latest Amazon news!

15 February 2024